Monday, August 9, 2010

Hinduism Vegetarianism

In most of the main direction of Hinduism vegetarianism is considered good. It is the ethical, religious and health-related causes: non-violence principle, which refers to animals, the desire to offer the deities only "pure" (vegetarian) food, to get it back as Prasad, and the belief that neveģetāra food is harmful to mental abilities and mental development. The principle of non-violence is common to all strands of Hinduism, practicing vegetarianism, but the other two aspects are different in different directions.

Non-violence principle
Non-violence principle extension to animals is associated with a desire to avoid negative karmic consequences of violence. Hindus consider that these effects are not just butchers, hunters and anglers, but also meat and fish eaters. Issues of religious duties towards animals and the negative karma resulting from violence (Hims), resulting in a detailed discussion in the Hindu scriptures and religious orientation texts on justice.

Hindu scripture is related to the Vedic period, which in the modern historian's view, attributable to the period up to about 500th The BC Vedic Society of meat eating was not forbidden, but it limited the specific provision. Several major scriptures of violence against animals is prohibited, except for sacrifice rituals. This view is Mahabharata (3.199.11-12, 13115, 13.116.26, 13.148.17), Bhagavat Puranas (11.5.13-14) and Čandogja Upanishads (8.15.1) as well-known religious and legal principles of the text Manu Smriti (5.27-44). These texts are condemning the killing of animals and meat eating, except when it is performed within the ritual sacrifice of the priests. Mahabharata warrior boxes (kšatrijiem) are allowed to hunt and eat meat, "acquired through bravery" (13.115.59-60; 13.116.15-18), but such behavior is prohibited hermit or religious hermits, as they must be completely non-violent, to impede mental development.

Manu Smriti (5.27-55) and Mahabharata (12,260, 13115-116, 14:28) is a long debate about ritual sacrifice and the sacrifice of animal flesh eating admissibility. Mahabharata both meat eaters and vegetarians offers a variety of arguments to support their views. Without a discussion of the pets there is also a lengthy discussion, which defends the hunters as hunting and meat eating. These texts show that the ideas of non-violence advocates criticized both the ritual killing and hunting, and that this activity was questionable admissibility. Contemporary Hinduism Vedic texts affect the killing has been eliminated.

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See Also : lebaran, hari raya, ramadan gift

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