Monday, August 9, 2010


Vegetarianism and religion are closely linked in several eastern religions filosofiskajās exercises, such as Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism). Jainism is a mandatory vegetarianism, Hinduism and Buddhism Mahājānas championed by some influential scripture and religious autoritātes.Salīdzinoši religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam vegetarian diet does not support the principal's role. However, Christianity has some ramifications for the recognition of vegetarianism on the basis of religious confession argumentos.Citas, which defends the need to choose a vegetarian diet, a Seventh-day Adventists, Hare Krishna and the rastafari movement.

In general, Buddhism is the prohibition to eat meat, but the first of the Buddhist ethical principles is the prohibition to kill people or any other animals (Ahimsa or non-violence principle). Many Buddhists understand these principles as the obligation to avoid eating meat, but there are also other interpretations. Buddha had distinguished between killing an animal from eating meat, stressing that bad is not what we eat, but the immoral behavior, through which food is obtained. Vienubrīd Buddha had specifically refused to support vegetarianism and piles canon states that the Buddha in several cases has eaten meat.

However, there were rules that prevented eating certain types of meat, such as human, leopard or elephant. Even the monks are forbidden to eat meat if they have experienced the death of an animal or, if aware that it was killed specifically for them. Several Mahājānas Sutra Buddha criticizes the meat-eating. Mahājānas Mahaparinirvana Sutra the Buddha states that "meat eating destroys nascent compassion" and adds that he would prohibit any type of meat-eating, even if found already dead. Long Lankavatara Sutra excerpt shows that the Buddha's views have been in favor of vegetarianism, in justspējīgo creatures flesh eating, he believes, are not harmonized with the task of building Bodisatvas sympathy. Also, several other Mahājānas Sutra emphasizes the prohibition to eat meat. The Buddha had said that to preserve the purity of the bodisatvam should be used not only for meat, but also dairy products, leather, fur and silk clothing. Only a man could be "truly free". Today, such a lifestyle is characterized by Vegans.

It is believed that killing animals and eating meat is also violated a number of Buddhist principles. Justspējīgas killing the creatures are disrupted their way to nirvana. According to the belief that all beings are part of a whole, killing and harming herself. This will also create bad karma, which can create suffering. Increases the killing and suffering resulting from the death and rebirth cycle.

Some kind of solution to this problem came when the Indian tradition motivated the monks moved to Chinese territory. There, they came about supporters who donated instead of food, but money. From that time, Chinese monks, and those who began to settle in the northern territories, copied to their own land and bought the rest of the diet is necessary in the market. Similar solutions are also other mountainous regions such as Tibet, Buddhists, which hired butchers Muslims.

Medieval Japanese Buddhist vegetarianism strengthened the underlying philosophy of the Kamakura period, when it began to spread among farmers. People who were involved in slaughtering animals and their body parts trade, were subject to discrimination. It was considered that these people are against the Buddhist principle of nenogalināšanas.

Modern Buddhist attitude
Today, the Buddhist attitude towards vegetarianism in various parts of the world is different. Korea, China and Vietnam, monks typically do not eat meat. Japan is the direction in which do not eat meat, but most of the dimensions are eating. Teravādas Buddhists in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia were allowed to use the meat, unless there is suspicion that the animal is killed directly because of him. Taiwan monks, nuns, and most laju not use animal products and the fetid vegetables (such as garlic and onions). While, for example, XIV Dalai Lama, speaking about vegetarianism, it is stated: "This is wonderful. We must promote vegetarianism", Tibet and elsewhere in the alpine regions, where vegetable cultivation is particularly complex, vegetarianism is unlikely to spread.

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See Also : lebaran, hari raya, ramadan gift

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