Sunday, August 15, 2010

Hatta Life in the World of Politics

Bung Hatta as leaders of political parties and organizations

Bung Hatta is the name of one of the thousands of heroes who had fought for independence and Indonesia's progress. Bung Hatta figure has become so close to the hearts of the Indonesian people for their struggle and its nature is so populist. The amount of his role in the struggle of this country so that ai is called as one of "The Founding Father's of Indonesia."

Various writings and stories of struggle Mohammad Hatta was written and recorded, starting from childhood, remeja, adult and his struggle to realize the independence of Indonesia.

But there are things that it needs a little explored and understood the look Bung Hatta as leaders of political parties and organizations, this is linked with efforts to see the development of political activity and political persona in the world of Indonesian politics now then I think we deserve to see their struggle and join the political activities of travel mate Hatta.

After World War I ended Indonesia's young generation more and more high achievers who have overseas education opportunities such as in the Netherlands, Cairo (Egypt). This is strengthened by the enactment of reciprocation by the Dutch political. Bung Hatta is one of the lucky young man, he had the opportunity to study in the Netherlands.

If we look at the organizational spirit of Bung Hatta, has actually grown during his stay in Indonesia. He never became chairman Sematera Jong (1918-1921) and was more glowing with the spirit of culture, education shavings Netherlands / Europe who breathes democracy and openness.

The desire and enthusiasm to organize Bung Hatta more visible when he became active in groups that are Indonesische Vereeniging Joiner Indonesian youths who think about and try to promote Indonesia, even in these organizations stated that their goal is: "independence for Indonesia." In the organization's anti-colonial hard and Bung Hatta was more "resilient" because of the many hurdles and obstacles they face.

Despite the pressure, the organization still growing even Indonesische Vereeniging in January 1925 the organization was stated as a political organization, later named the Association of Indonesia (PI). And in this organization acts as the leader of Bung Hatta.

Bung Hatta involvement in the organization and party poltik not just abroad but on his return from Holland he is also active in the PNI (Indonesian National Party), founded in 1927 Sukarno. In PNI organization, Bung Hatta focuses its activities in the field of education. He saw that through pendidikanlah people will be able to achieve independence.

Because PNI is considered as a radical party and endanger the position of the Netherlands, then a lot of pressure and attempts to reduce its influence on the people.

It is seen from the propaganda and profokasi PNI mengusakan tehadap population for independence. Until finally catching on and Karno Flowers for the safety of this organization disbanded.

Shortly setetah PNI (Indonesian National Party) broke up, stand replacement organization dinamanakan Partindo Party (Indonesia). They have the nature of the radical organization and manifestly against the Dutch. This is not in love by Bung Hatta.

Because he did not agree with establishing Partindo Education PNI (Indonesian National Party Education) or also known as the New PNI. This organization was founded in Yogyakarta in August 1932, and Bung Hatta was appointed as a dreamer.

These organizations pay attention to "the advancement of education for the people of Indonesia, to prepare and encourage the people in the field kebathinan and organize so that action can dijadakan a cornerstone of democracy for the people with freedom."

This organization grew rapidly, I imagine at the congress in Bandung in 1932 new members a year later in 2000 people and has 65 branches in Indonesia. This organization is a follower of the villagers who wanted to get and education. In PNI Education in collaboration with Syahrir Bung Hatta, which is familiar friend from the Netherlands.

It is increasingly promoting these organizations in the world of education in Indonesia at that time. Progress, activities and actions of PNI Education visits the Netherlands as a new threat tehadap their position as colonizers in Indonesia and they took out some provisions in the year 1933 include:

* The police were ordered to act strongly against PNI Education meetings.
* June 27, 1933, public servants are prohibited from becoming members of the PNI Education.
* August 1, 1933, meetings were held ban on all Indonesian Education PNI.

Finally in the year 1934 the Indonesian National Party Education declared the Dutch Colonial Rule in disperse and strictly prohibited along with several other organizations that are considered dangerous, such as: Partindo and PSII.

Education PNI ideas set forth in part in destroy newspapers and newspapers that publish participate in Bredel. But organisationally, Hatta as leader would not declare his organization has been disbanded. He remained active and fought for the advancement of education in Indonesia.

Sukarno, who was active in Partindo exiled to Flores followed with Hatta and Syahrir exile. Although the exiled leaders but their followers to continue the struggle of the party remained consistent. PNI Education continue to provide the courses, training-pelatuhan either through writing or by home visits-home residents.

In the trial issue of Education PNI M. Hatta, Syahrir, Maskun, Burhanuddin, Bondan and Murwoto convicted and exiled to Boven Digul (Papua). For the hope of creating peace in the colony.

Despite having obtained such a large obstacle, but the struggle was not only until there Hatta, he continues to struggle and one of the heroes of the struggle of Hatta and the other is the freedom that we have achieved and we feel now.

As a brief article about the history of the persona of Muhammad Hatta in organizations and political parties he had ever wrestled, we must be able to take a lesson from this. Because history does not mean anything if we are unable to take advantage and positive values therein.

Hatta life in the world of politics we can see that: The emergence of an important figure and has a strong and patriotic spirit memikirkan people's lives and advance the state and nation "not only appeared in one night" or not a recurrent figure that comes out of nowhere, and is not figure who took the opportunity to appear as a hero and figure of the public observers.

But the figures we can make an example and role model in the organization, party, and national and state life that actually was a figure who was born and nurtured in the community, he was trained to be able to understand the desires and ideals of society, and act with the use of science and faith.

Along with meruaknya democratic discourse, especially in the reform era, we can see that in Indonesia, developing various new parties whose numbers have been dozens. In fact raises new names as the characters, the party elites, political elites who are influential in the party.

There is also a political figure who represents the old faces that is consistent in his party or switch to form a new party. Have they deserve as leaders say, the political elite / elite party?.

As one of the ideal figure of figures, with a persona modeled Bung Hatta we must be able to see what percentage among the figures, important people, the political elite / elite parties in Indonesia right now who have watched people's lives, what percentage of them are already doing business to promote the good life of Indonesian society in the economic, educational, political and other.

In fact, most of us see the political leaders, political elites and party leaders in Indonesia today is less attention to the life and progress of society. They just take public sympathy when, when they needed a voice and participation of residents, such moments will diadakannnya elections (national), while the holding of local elections (elections), after the events took place they began to leave and forget about the community. But there are some parties and leaders who are often seen in various social activities and community attention.

Do we still think that a villain, pemaling (corrupt) who escaped from the grip of law as our role models in organizations, political parties, government, or everyday life?. So No wonder we learn from the persona of Muhammad Hatta in his political life who always act for the welfare and progress of the Indonesian people.


Bung Hatta Library has more than 8000 books, consisting of History, Culture, Politics, Language and others. This has significantly contributed to him in his diplomatic skills of Indonesian Independence struggle.


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