Sunday, August 22, 2010

God in Old & New Testament

The Old Testament
The play about God gave God alone in his works in creation and in reporting his arrival incarnation of the Son in history. With all the theophany (Epiphany) which is the Old Testament is full, but in their draws general transendentnost God. "I am the one who I am" (Izl. 3.14). God has existence in itself, no other principle or goal. This idea took the New Testament writings postapostolski the first symbols of Christian faith in which God has called Θεοτης, the principle of existence. He is the creator of their own will, but creation is not of its essence.

The New Testament
As the Old Testament (Is. 40; Ps. 104; Dan. 6,20), the New Testament also uses only ipostasnu category when referring to God (Acts 14,15). Theophany (Epiphany) of the Old Testament concentrates a great epiphany or divine "snishođenju (συγκαταωασις), or the incarnation of the Son of God, through which is provided not only religions but also obvoženje as Logos incarnate in human nature takes its ipostas. Incarnation reveals ipostasni epifanijski and character of God full of compassion and love towards the man of God who "descends" to kiss and embrace his character put into the formation (Port 7,11,15,10, 19.1; John 5:2).

Unlike the Old Testament, New Testament speaks clearly about God-the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Christian Trinitarian monotheism is the structure of most love. Trojičnost a relationship that transcends the duality (duality) where he designed the Old Testament theology.

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See Also : lebaran, hari raya, ramadan gift

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