Friday, June 18, 2010

The Big Cheese Poplar Flower

The mallow (Malva sylvestris), also known as Big Cheese poplar belongs to the mallow family and is among the oldest known crops. It was cultivated in ancient times as a vegetable and medicinal plant. Your German trivial name has nothing to do with the poplar, but refers to käselaibförmigen, mucus fruit, from which earlier pap (Papp prepared) has. Many people of different names reflect the popularity and diverse use of the wild mallow, so others Käslikraut, rabbits poplar, Hanfpappel, John Poplar, cats, cheese, Pissblume, Ross-mallow or Mohrenmalve.

This is one to one (rarely) two years until perennial herbaceous plant, plant height 30-120 cm tall. With their spindle-shaped, fleshy, deep-reaching taproot is anchored in the ground. The inner white root is characterized by numerous rootlets. The occupied with numerous tufts of hair, rough stem usually grows upright, but also come with copies before ascending or prostrate stems. The shape of the stem is rounded to angular. In his ground woody outer parts, inside he has a loose marks. The double-side soft grass-green hairy leaves are on long stalks and stems are arranged alternate. The petiole has a rough coat. The efeuähnliche round to heart-shaped molded sheet is five-lobed up to seven times. The more rounded lower stem leaves have seven lobes, the upper ones are pointed siebenlappig-designed, the top stem leaves are usually deeply cut and divided into five lobes. The leaf margin has a distinct notch. The stipules are pointed lineallänglich. At the bottom of the petiole they sit on the stalk crosswise.

Between May and September the plant develops fivefold, from 2.5 to 5 cm wide, pink purple flowers stalked. Fine Längsnerven, in shade slightly darker than the flower color (Strichsaftmale) give the five narrow, inverted-egg-shaped and clearly ausgerandeten petals their characteristic pattern. The violet color is based on water-soluble anthocyanins, which are located in the juice of Zellvakuole. The flowers usually grow in bundles (6, rarely up to 10) in the Laubblattachseln, they may also stand alone. The hairy flower stalks are shorter than the petioles and flowering and fruiting time oriented upright.

When the flowers are blütenbiologisch chiefs to disk flowers. They are initiated by a two-to three-leaf, unverwachsenen Außenkelch. This consists of lanceolate, narrow, green leaves. Then follow five inner petals that are fused together by the middle bell-shaped and end in five broad-triangular, pointed calyx lobes. Both have the cup and the Außenkelch, similar to the stem, a shaggy coat. Usually dominate the petals of the cup at the three-to fourfold.

The wild mallow trains numerous stamens, the long stamens are fused into a cylindrical pillar. This is fused with the petals, completely surrounds the vielspaltigen style and covers the oberständigen ovary. Only the fädlichen scars that are appropriate to the length of the inside of the Griffeläste be released to the top. The above free stamens bear kidney-shaped, white dust bags which are each equipped with only one counter. The dust bag open and put across white, and globular kurzstachelige free pollen grains. The rounded, somewhat depressed ovary is composed of numerous, fused carpels. On the adhesions he trains partitions, so that there chamber-fruit trays.


See also: International Flower Delivery, Florist

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